Friday, January 28, 2011

Not Impressed By Your Little Fame

I'm in an industry with a lot of self-promoters. No small percentage of my peers are writing books, and they are very excited about it. Having already been through the book writing process and knowing what the publishing industry is like, I can say that, if your excitement is more than "I finished it! It's out there! What a great process!" then you're about to be disillusioned.

Most books sell very little, especially business books. A biz book that sells 5,000 copies is exceptional.

I will say that a lot of people who haven't written books are very impressed by those who have- and it will increase your fees for service or speaking, etc.

But you're not going to be famous because of your one book, and you're not going to reach that many people with it. Some blog posts are read by more people than most books.

So I would say- watch you ego- make sure this book thing is not about your insecurities or vain ambitions. Write a book to clarify your thinking or to be a support material for your work, even to prove to your self you can do it, but not to be famous and not to get rich, or you'll be disappointed.

Thank you Lord for your opinion of me. You see me as much more important than even I do. You value me with love, without me having to do anything. Your love matters more than any person's. You fill my heart with a joy that no worldly success or recognition could.

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